Did you know?….that you can cook your family’s meal without the use of gas or electricity. The solar oven “Sun Cook” can reach temperatures up to 400 F, with sunshine alone. For more fun facts and photos about this style of cooking visit http://solarcooking.ca/ .
Did you know?…..that the energy efficiency of a one-mile urban trip by bicycle, when the cyclist is fueled by meat (which contains the embodied energy required to produce and transport one mile’s worth of meat energy to the cyclist’s home), according to one analysis, is equivalent to 31 miles per gallon.
But…the energy efficiency of a one-mile urban trip by bicycle when the cyclist is fueled by bread is 300 miles per gallon
Did you know?….Germany currently generates more solar power than any other country, in spite of having more cloudy days than sunny days.
Did you know?....Portugal has just plugged in Europe’s largest wind farm, located in its northern highlands. Cervantes would have loved it…..imagine Don Quixote and 120 wind turbines. Jointly, these turbines provide enough electricity to power one million homes. Other green projects under way in Portugal include a second, smaller wind farm; the world’s largest solar photovoltaic farm (in the south); and the world’s first commercial wave power plant. Vive Portugal!
Did you know?...The California EPA Air Resources Board has approved the scoping plan for California’s Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) as of December 11, 2008. The plan includes a renewable energy standard, adoption of a low carbon fuel standard, green jobs bills, water conservation, and sustainable forest and agriculture plans. Go California! [You can locate this 142 page plan at http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/scopingplan/document/psp.pdf ]
Submitted to the GCP blog spot by Louise F.